Council of Ministers Meeting of May 11, 2011





Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 11, 2011


The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, in the Goverment Palace, in Díli, and approved:

1. Government Resolution that Creates a Working Group for the National Disability Policy

The Ministry of Social Solidarity saw approved the Resolution that allows the creation of an inter-ministerial working group to define the national disability policy.

The promotion of the rights of citizens with disability implies the involvement and coordination of several public and private institutions that, under the guidance of the Government, define the strategic guidelines for this purpose.

Thus, this working group, coordinated by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, is composed of representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Infra-structures, Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment, Secretariat of State for the Promotion Equality and the Secretariat of State for Youth and Sports.

2. Government Decree that approves a Food Allowance for the Public Servants from the National Directorate for the Public Buildings Security

The Council of Ministers approved the Decree-Law that establishes 15 dollars as the monthly food allowance to be given to the Public Servants from the National Directorate for the Public Buildings Security.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

1. The Project on the Revision of the Security Sector

The Secretariat of State for Security presented the measures and actions that have been done since 2008, date in which the Project on the Revision of the Security Sector was authorized.

Since then, the Government and the Presidency of the Republic have worked on the principals, methodology and process of this Project. The Government gave immediate answers to some of the identified issues and felt the need to work simultaneously, together with the UNMIT and other government institutions from the security sector, on the revision and the reform.

This Government’s will in improving the security sector allowed the development and, in some cases, the substitution of existing institutions or structures.

The Timorese authorities assumed responsibilities and took initiatives, in the areas of civil inspection, drafting of a policy for national security, drafting legislation and development of priority institutions of the security sector, as well as the drafting of a National Policy for Security, reforms in the PNTL and F-FDTL, implementation of the regimes for carriers and disciplinary mechanisms and a legislative package concerning national security.

Despite these successes the reform and revision process is still ongoing.

2. Update regarding investment requests that entered in Tradeinvest

The Ministry of Economy and Development presented the activity developed by Tradeinvest. According to this ministry, around 87 certificates of external investor were issued, of which 59 are implemented, 6 are pending and 22 were cancelled.

The update concerning the projects in the telecommunication area and some other pending situations were also presented.
