Migration Attachés Now Authorized to Issue Visas

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government


June 19th, 2024

Press Release

Migration Attachés Now Authorized to Issue Visas

The Migration Service of the Ministry of the Interior of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is pleased to announce the delegation of powers to the migration attachés stationed at Timor-Leste's diplomatic representations in Singapore, Indonesia, Portugal, China, Malaysia, the Philippines and Australia. This is an important step that aims to streamline and decentralize the process of granting visas, thus promoting greater efficiency in controlling the movement of people at borders and managing the presence of foreigners in national territory.

From now on, migration attachés in the countries mentioned above are authorized to issue visas for work, business, temporary stay, establishment of residence, transit, tourism and airport stopovers. This measure, taken under the Migration and Asylum Law, reflects the government's commitment to simplifying procedures, boosting economic development and increasing state revenue.

The issuing of visas will follow the procedures established in the relevant legislation and will come into force immediately after the publication of these orders in the Official Gazzette.

This development represents a significant milestone in the country's migration policy, helping to strengthen international relations and facilitate the entry of foreign investor, as well as strengthening the service provided by the migration attachés placed with the national diplomatic missions, thus bringing the Migration Service closer to the people wishing to enter Timor-Leste.

The Migration Service of Timor-Leste's Ministry of Interior reiterates commitment to promoting safe, orderly and regular migration, in accordance with the principles of national sovereignty and respect for human rights. ENDS
