Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on August 5, 2010

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


Díli, August 4, 2010


Timor-Leste completes data collection for the 2010 National Census

The 17-day data collection phase of the Timor-Leste 2010 Population and Housing Census has now been completed. Undertaken by the National Directorate of Statistics, under the Ministry of Finance, the census will update benchmark statistical information on the demographic, economic and social characteristics of the nation. This is the second post independence census of Timor-Leste and takes snapshot of the population as they were on July 11, 2010. The prior census focused on July 11, 2004. Accurate information will be valuable to measure more comprehensively progress within a variety of areas including health and education.

Between July 11 and July 28 over 4,000 personnel visited households across the nation to implement a survey that covered seven topics with a total of 48 questions. Besides the basic information on the number, gender and ages of people in each household other specific information was gathered about educational qualifications, work, fertility, maternal and child health, family household property, mortality and emigration. All personal information is kept confidential.

The census is a huge undertaking that has been in planning for some time; a pilot census was held in 2009 to refine and test the survey and procedures. The project has been assisted by the United Nations Population Fund and enabled by the cooperation of many people including District and Sub-district administrators and Suco and Aldeia leaders.

Now that the data has been collected, the National Directorate of Statistics, with some 80 operators employed for data entry, is working towards its’ objective to efficiently prepare and release a Preliminary Report by the end of October 2010. The Main Census Report, including National and District Reports with all variables, is scheduled for release in April 2011.

Recent information gathered in the Demographic and Health Survey 2009/2010 have shown strong improvement since 2007 in child and maternal health with several of the Millennium Development Goal targets for 2015 already met including the under five mortality rate, infant mortality rate antenatal care coverage and detection of TB cases. Nearly all other MDG targets are currently on track across the eight core areas. The 2010 census will give further information to quantify progress.

The Spokesperson for the Government, Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira congratulated the National Directorate of Statistics on the completion of this phase. He noted “this information will assist the Government in making good policies for the nation and assist agencies who implement programs to benefit our people. Accurate information is important to substantiate the true progress of our nation, to improve our policies and service delivery and to deal in facts rather than assertions and anecdotes.’ He concluded ‘these numbers will represent the valued men, women, boys and girls who are truly our nation’s greatest natural resources and who we continue to serve with enthusiasm and commitment. On behalf of the Government thank you for taking part in the 2010 Census.”
