Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on April 15, 2010

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


Díli, April 15, 2010


Government of Timor-Leste extends condolences to Poland on the death of President Lech Kaczynski


The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, His Excellency Xanana Gusmão, on behalf of the Government and the people of Timor-Leste, has extended deep condolences to the Government and the people of Poland for the tragic losses of April 10, 2010.

“It is with great sadness and regret that Poland must endure the loss of their President, Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria, the deputy speaker of National Parliament, the Deputy Foreign Minister, the head of the National Poland Bank, and other senior officials from the military, Government and civil society’ said Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, ‘The people of Timor-Leste have endured great loss in our history, we understand how profoundly this has and will affect the nation. Timor-Leste extends our hand in solidarity with the Government and with the people of Poland during this period of mourning.”

“We also wish to convey our sympathies to the families, friends and colleagues of the 97 whose lives were lost near Smolensk while flying to Katyn forest to pay their respects on the 70thAnniversary of the massacre of Polish prisoners.”

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão closed by saying “The strong national unity in Poland we have seen in the wake of this tragedy stands as a great symbol and testament to those who so bravely dedicated their lives to building the State. The memory of President Lech Kaczynski and his colleagues will be long lasting in that national fortitude.”


