Meeting of the Council of Ministers 06 October 2008

IV Constitutional Government



Meeting of the Council of Ministers 06 October 2008

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 06th October 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:

1. Draft-law that creates the Anti-Corruption Commission

The Government has adopted the creation of a Commission that is able to eradicate corruption in all its shapes, bestowing upon it powers and duties to investigate and expose corruption in a efficient and effective way, promoting a culture of integrity, transparency and accountability in the State.

The approval of this Law creates an independent body, exclusively dedicated to the prevention, investigation and combating corruption, which allows for a greater credibility before the public and a greater international acceptance.

2.Decree-Law that approves the organic structure of the Intelligence National Service

The Council of Ministers approved the organic structure of the INS. This is a personalised system belonging to the state has is responsible for the research of information that contributes to national independence, national interests, external and internal security, the prevention of sabotage, organised crime and any action that due to their nature can alter or destroy the Rule of Law that has been constitutionally established.

The Council of Ministers also considered:

3.Presentation of the Organic Law of the Ministry of Finance

The Organic Law of the Ministry of Finance was presented and it was decided that the draft law would be circulated and sent to the Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Organisation

4.Inter ministerial Commission for Economic Development (CIDE/ICED)

With the goal of promoting a better coordination of the activities carried out by the Government that aim to achieve economic development, namely the synchronisation at a ministerial level so that a better economic development can be attained (regarding the meetings held and the dissemination of the decisions made, as in the identification of the activities that are developed at the investment level, the presentation of reports so that one can measure the execution rates that have been allocated to each Ministry) hence a Inter ministerial commission for Economic Development has arisen.

The Council of Ministers has suggested some changes to be made to this draft law, and it was decided that it would be presented when possible.

5.Presentation of the Regime of the Public Transfers

The Council of Ministers decided to circulate this draft law, since the current Regime of the Public Transfers does not define what is a Public Transfer, hence it is necessary to replace the present regime with another one that Is more suited to the interest of the public in general and to providing services that are of general interest, using public moneys towards human development and poverty reduction.
