Meeting of the Council of Ministers 08 October 2008



IV Constitutional Government



Meeting of the Council of Ministers 08 October 2008

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 08th October 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved::

1. Decree Law that approves the Regulation of Recretational and Social Games

Given the importance of avoiding impunity and the unregulated growth of activities outside the scope of the law, the need was felt to regulate the existing recreational games. To the present regimes for lottery we also add cock-fighting, under a special licensing regime. These measures are also against the transfer of illegal moneys and money laundering, and have as a goal the increase of public revenues and tourism throughout the country. These measures contribute to job creation and represent a valuable asset. These revenues are taxable, without prejudice of sharing the gains made by entities of the public and private sector, as well as the Church. This decree law should go for public consultation.

The Council of Ministers approved this Decree Law with minor changes.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

4. The Private Investment Law

Considering that the private sector is an essential partner in the national development, since it creates wealth and jobs outside the framework of the State, the need was felt to replace the existing legislation with new laws that apply to investors, regardless of their nationality or residency.

The present law defines fiscal and custom's related benefits and incentives or in the form of special rental conditions of fixed assets belonging to the State or in the shape of subsidies to the training of national civil servants. This system of benefits and incentives follows a breakdown by geographic areas so as to develop the areas covered by this legislation. The approval of this law crates the need to adjust the Public Administration and its procedures so as to defend the rights and duties of the investors in this country. There will be a need to create a Specialised Development Agency that is more politically autonomous, that will have as a task to promote an active economic diplomacy. Summing up, this legislative revision aims to promote private investment made both by foreigners and nationals.

5. The Ministerial Diploma on the Pricing of Consumables

With the recent instability of the normal market prices, the world-wide surge of fuel prices, the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry, without interfering in the prices and the free market, wishes to take an action without any penal consequences for the retail sector and that gives a greater transparency and promotes good practices throughout the population.
