Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on November 13, 2009

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


Díli, November 13, 2009


Fretilin MP in the dark


Fretilin MP José Teixeira has issued a statement regarding the Xanana Gusmão Government’s electrification plan that is incongruent with the facts presented to National Parliament by the Prime Minister.

In fact, the title “Gusmão forced to scrap heavy fuel power plant’’ is completely false; on the contrary, the Prime Minister, His Excellency Xanana Gusmão expanded the electrification program to ensure broader reach and long term sustainability according to the National Development Plan which is near completion; the facts were clearly presented in the letter to National Parliament.

In 2007, when the IV Constitutional Government took office, the existing generators were near total burnout due to mismanagement and lack of sufficient upkeep.

The Xanana Gusmão Government responded with the implementation of a robust energy policy that includes short, medium and long term planning. Investing into alternative energies has been a priority; the Government has put more funds and research into alternative energies than the previous Government and, in 2010, doubled the budget for alternative energy programs.

Additionally, those members of National Parliament that read budget documents would acknowledge the inclusion of a consultancy firm was always in the electrification plan, and foreseen in the budget for 2009; however, the budget was only approved in January. The Government could not recruit a consultant before budget approval.

Ágio Pereira stated “It is imperative for the IV Constitutional Government to improve or reform the energy sector, including the conditions of the existing infrastructure.’

‘We welcome positive and conciliatory debate but condemn unproductive and misleading manipulation of the facts.’

‘The Xanana Gusmão Government responded to it’s duty and made a good faith promise to electrify the nation; we make no apologies for having the vision, foresight and above all respect for the people of Timor-Leste to take this bold step with due diligence, care and tenacity.’

