Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on November 11, 2009

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


Díli, November 11, 2009


Government committed to providing stable and reliable electricity to the nation


Xanana Gusmão’s Government has submitted to the National Parliament an update on the construction of the national Power Plants, Transforming Stations and Distribution Lines which are due to provide 24 hour a day electricity to the nation.

The original plans had been altered after an independent consulting firm was brought in by the Government as due diligence in 2009; a precautionary measure to provide oversight ensuring all requirements are met by the Company hired to build the Power Plants – Company CNI22; and to integrate the newly designed objectives of the National Strategic Development Plan which is close to completion.

The Electrification Plan is now integrated into the overall development plans for the nation, aiming at long term energy requirements to build core infrastructure and develop industries cross sectors; including the development in the southern region of a refinery, a supply base and an on shore LNG industry.

The alterations to the plan and timing, which now brings implementation to the end of 2011, has given the Government sufficient time to purchase two new generators for the plants which can use power sources including gas, diesel or heavy oil. Decisions about which fuel to use will be made in conjunction with National Parliament subject to budget factors.

Some of the other changes include increasing the productive capacity of the Power Stations from 180 Megawatts (MW) to a productive capacity of 250 MW, increasing the capacity of the High Tension Power Lines from 110 KV to 150 KV and the length of the power lines from 630 Km to 794 Km.

The new Electrification Plan also includes the construction of Towers for the Power Lines and Sub-stations, essential for electrical distribution to the population and to development areas, to be built in tandem with the two Power Plants. The plan ensures compliance with international standards.

Government Spokesperson Ágio Pereira said “Society as we know it today has evolved because of electricity and with stable and reliable power across the nation Timor-Leste will evolve and develop. Access to electricity should be considered a basic inalienable right and the foundation for our economic future.”

“There is no doubt this is an ambitious and innovative plan. The country has never undertaken such a major infrastructure work; it is both a challenging process and project, but this is what everyone wants, 24 hour electricity, but no one has ever wanted to take responsibility for, to provide 24 hour electricity.”

‘At some point in time, a Government with courage needs to take the bold step to electrify the nation; this it Xanana Gusmão Government.”

In 2010, the Government has also doubled the budget for alternative energy solutions.
