Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on November 2, 2009

Statement By The Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government,

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers


Díli, November 2, 2009

Government of Timor-Leste celebrates meritocratic recruitment system


On October 31, 2009 the Minister of Finance, Ms. Emilia Pires, hosted a ceremony to swear in the selection of 34 new Heads of Departments and 25 new Grade C positions appointed to the Ministry of Finance.

The occasion marked another milestone in the long process of reforms implemented by the Ministry of Finance, with the focus on improving systems and procedures, skills and knowledge, and attitudes and behaviors for better planning, budgeting, public finance management and revenue administration.

The occasion also celebrated the new regime of recruitment; a lengthy and meticulous selection process, which sought to abide by the principles of meritocracy and transparency; an objective by the Xanana Gusmão Government to professionalize and depoliticize the public service with initiatives under the newly established public service commission.

The process started in June this year when 158 MoF civil servants, (temporary and permanent), and one candidate from outside MoF applied for the 25 vacant Grade C posts, as well as to be considered for the positions of Heads of Departments. In addition, 21 MoF permanent ‘Grade C’ staff applied for the position of Heads of Departments.

The then Director-General of the Secretariat for the establishment of the Public Service Commission was the chair of the selection panel, with all MoF Director Generals and one National Director as panel members in the recruitment process.

Out of 159 applicants for Grade C positions, only 149 were eligible to move to the next stage of the recruitment process, and 4 were exempt from the written examination because they had passed a similar test months before for the recruitment of Grade Bs.

The 149 had a written examination in Tetum, and 37 met the passing point of 60% of correct answers.

These 37 plus 4 went through collective interviews for the selection of the final 25 Grade Cs as well as for the selection of Heads of Departments. At the same time, the 21 Grade C holders went through the same collective interviews in order to be selected for the position of Heads of Departments.

The final results rendered 25 new Grade Cs out of 159 candidates, and 34 Heads of Departments, out of 21 plus 25 Grade Cs.

The final decision on the selection of Heads of Departments also took into consideration the need to place the ‘right person in the right place’ as well as the advantages of providing an opportunity for exposure to different areas of technical expertise.

The system of meritocracy and transparency were the trademarks of this process; a process which is inherent to the fair and democratic principles of the nation.

Ms. Emília Pires gave special thanks to the Prime Minister, His Excellency Xanana Gusmao, the Members of Government, the Public Service Commission and the members of the Ministry of Finance who have brought in a new level of dignity, respect and professionalism to the public service through the recruitment process.

Agio Pereira, the Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and the Official Spokesperson for the Fourth Constitutional Government said “As a Government, we are fulfilling our obligation to the People of Timor-Leste in ensuring that those who serve them are appointed for no other reason than for their competence, professionalism, technical proficiency and skill base. This is a Xanana Gusmão Government initiative that should be protected and safeguarded by all future Governments.”

