Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on October 5, 2009

Statement by The Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government,

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers


Díli October 5, 2009

More misreporting on corruption allegations


A journalist who unceremoniously walked out of the ABC after questionable reporting has now surprisingly turned up as an employee of the Australian newspaper.

Steve Holland’s latest article published September 30, 2009 titled “Deputy East Timor PM corruption claim”, again, lacked both research and detail, reflecting a story reliant on FRETILIN propaganda.

Holland neglected to include the fact that His Excellency, Vice Prime Minister José Luis Guterres was the Ambassador to the United Nations and Ambassador to the United States, called back to Timor-Leste during the height of the 2006 crisis, to become Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, at the invitation of HE Prime Minister of the II Constitutional Government Dr José Ramos-Horta and Vice Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva. His Excellency is now the President of Timor-Leste and HE Estanislau da Silva is an MP of opposition party FRETILIN.

The appointment of Ana Maria Valério as an Advisor/Counselor to the Permanent Mission of Timor-Leste to the United Nations, was proposed by the former Secretary-General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the highest ranking civil servant at the Ministry and agreed upon by the then Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. She was hired under the existing rules of the public service.

Valério had worked helping the Permanent Mission of Timor-Leste to the United Nations since 2003, when needed, on a pro bono basis. She was awarded the position on merit and as a temporary provision.

Valério received her undergraduate degree from Western Cape University South Africa in Women and Gender issues, has a Masters Degree in Globalization and Social Movements from St Johns University in Queens, New York; and was at New School for Social Research in New York, doing a PhD.

The decision to appoint Valério was made under the former FRETILIN Government and the absolute majority FRETILIN controlled Parliament, who had both the power and the authority at the time.

FRETILIN only made the claims of corruption after Guterres became Vice Prime Minister in the IV Constitutional Government, led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão.

Vice Prime Minister José Luís Guterres did not, at any time, engage in any act or acts of corruption and any implication he engaged in criminal activity is defamatory.

“It is neither a new story nor one that has merit’ said Ágio Pereira, Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and Official Spokesperson for the IV Constitutional Government.

‘Vice Prime Minister Guterres is without doubt considered one of the most highly regarded and respected members of the Government both in Timor-Leste and overseas. He has served the country and our people without fault or fail."

Vice Prime Minister Guterres served as Ambassador of Timor-Leste to Angola, Mozambique and the United Nations. Upon independence in 2002, he was appointed Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and later the first East Timorese Ambassador to the U.S and concurrently the United Nations. He served as Foreign Minister under the FRETILIN Government and now as the Vice Prime Minister of the Gusmão Government.
