Prime Minister leaves for Cuba after finishing US visit with speech to the United Nations General Assembly

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Díli, October 5th, 2015

Prime Minister leaves for Cuba after finishing US visit with speech to the United Nations General Assembly

On the 1st of October, in his last official appointment in New York, Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo delivered Timor-Leste’s statement to the United Nations General Assembly.  Before world leaders the Prime Minister acknowledged the role of the United Nations over the past seventy years and called for reform to allow the group to better “respond to the challenges emerging from the new circumstances of our century.” Part of that reform he suggested should be to make the Security Council more “representative and balanced.”

Rui Maria de Araújo highlighted climate change as issue requiring decision, and noted the pronounced impact already experienced by neighbouring states in the Pacific. He went on to outline Timor-Leste’s international activities saying the Nation has been willing to  “roll up its sleeves, leverage its national experience, and contribute to the international community.” This contribution has included work as President of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, boosting progress in fragile countries through the g7+ group, and targeted efforts to assist peace building and state building in Guinea-Bissau, São Tome e Principe, and the Central African Republic.

Focusing on national progress the Prime Minister reminded “the road ahead for the Timorese is still long and arduous”, but pointed to ongoing peace and stability, the strengthening of institutions and the recent smooth leadership transition as positive elements of development. He noted that there was still work to do in consolidating national sovereignty by settling permanent maritime boundaries. “As a matter of principle”, he explained “Timor-Leste resorts to negotiations pursuant to international law and standards and, when dialog fails to resolve disagreements, our country chooses to use international conflict-resolution mechanisms.”

In closing the Prime Minister affirmed Timor-Leste’s support for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underlining that “Timor-Leste is particularly pleased with the inclusion of Goal 16, which strengthens the essential elements of peace, justice, and institutions.” He thanked all member states that supported Timor-Leste’s “struggle for liberation until we were recognized as a sovereign State.”

The Prime Minister´s speech was warmly received in the General Assembly Hall and marked the conclusion of an intense program in New York that has been positive and productive for Timor-Leste.

The Prime Minister and a smaller delegation left New York on the 2nd of October for an Official Visit to Cuba due to finish on the 8th of October.
