Budget of the Sixth Constitutional Government unanimously approved by National Parliament

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

  Díli, April 9, 2015

Budget of the Sixth Constitutional Government unanimously approved by National Parliament

On Tuesday evening the 2015 General State Budget of the Sixth Constitutional Government (VI GC) was approved in National Parliament. The vote was 64 in favor, 0 against, with one of the 65 members absent due to poor health. Once the Budget Law No. 18 /III (3rd) is promulgated by President of the Republic the major legislative steps to install and equip the Sixth Constitutional Government will have been completed. These steps include the passing of the Organic Law of the Government, the endorsement of the Sixth Constitutional Government Program and now the approval of the General State Budget for 2015.

The Budget was presented to National Parliament on the 1st of April by Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo. It was approved in generality shortly after at which point the Parliament turned to consider the budget in detail. This process continued on the evening of the 6th of April and into the session on the 7th of April with the final vote occurring after a discussion of all articles.

The total figure for the 2015 Budget remains at $1,570 million. Savings achieved in the area of wages and salaries and public transfers have allowed increases in allocations for goods and services, minor capital and capital development.

The Authority of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno and the pilot project for the Special Zone of Social Market Economy of Oe-Ccusse Ambeno and Ataúro is set to receive an additional transfer of $51.5 million in the VI CG Budget bringing its total allocation for 2015 to $133,430.

The new Ministry of Strategic Planning and Investment, which includes in it’s structure the National Development Agency [ADN], the National Procurement Commission [CNA], the Secretariat for Major Projects and other bodies focussed on decentralised development, will have a budget of $76.5 million to do its work to enable projects to be implemented faster and with greater cost-efficiency.

Extra funds were also allocated for operations of the Ministry of Education and hospital services in the Ministry of Health.

Spokesperson for the Sixth Constitutional Government, Minster of State Agio Pereira noted “The Government now turns to the task of implementing the actions and activities set out in its Program and achieving sustained and balanced development for Timor-Leste”.
