MSS signs MoU on natural disasters risk management
The Vice Minister of Social Solidarity, Jacinto Rigoberto Gomes de Deus, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Mercy Corps, related with the program of management of risks caused by natural disasters, for 2013-2015. The aim is to strengthen the economy in the communities.
Following the signature of the document, on September 10th, at the building of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, in Dili, the Vice Minister pointed out that "Mercy Corps is an international Non-Governmental Organisation, from the United States of America, which throughout this season was dedicated to the program of mitigation and prevention of disasters affecting the communities. This program will be implemented in three districts: Dili, Ermera and Ainaro ".
Jacinto Rigoberto Gomes de Deus further added "in order to acompany Mercy Corps during the program implemetation, the Ministry of Social Solidarity will involve staff from the District Disaster Management Committee at both national and district level”.
"In what concerns the budget, the Government will provide approximately $ 42 million for this disaster program, as well as for other programs, including support for agriculture and for the NGO "Haburas Foundation" concluded the Vice Minister.
The ceremony was attended by the National Director for Disaster Management, by the National Advisor from the Vice Minister's Office and by the representative of the International NGO, Mercy Corps.