Prime Minister calls on young people to take care of Timor-Leste

Fri. 06 of September of 2013, 10:27h
Cerimonia aniversario 14 anos consulta popular_4_PG

The Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, called on young Timorese to take care of their country, actively participating in national development and taking advantage of the independence spirit.

The appeal was launched in Díli, on August 30th 2013, during the 14th Anniversary of the Referendum (August 30th 1999 – August 30th 2013). The ceremony was attended by the President of the National Parliament, Vicente Guterres, by members of the Government, of Civil Society and the population, and included social gathering and musical entertainment by Timorese artists .

Especially addressing young people, the Prime Minister pointed out that, now that Timor-Leste reached independence and freedom “it is necessary to let everybody know, in Timor-Leste, that the moment has arrived to follow the example of those who fought in the resistance. They didn’t demand anything, they just fought for a right, the right to be independent.

Nowadays, young people just fight for their right to claim things from the State and the Government. They have forgotten the duty to contribute to Nation building and peace. 14 years of freedom have passed for the country and 11 years after the beginning of the Nation building process, young people must come together, follow a common ideal and empower themselves in order to help advance the country. I demand, especially to young people, who belong to the new generation, to join efforts, for them to feel as Timorese and lead society towards a sense of well-being. We, the eldest, do not feel envy. Our obligation was achieved, we set our homeland free. Now, we give it to you, so you can do your best for our future generations”.

Back in 1999, there were 451.792 Timorese registered to participate on the Referendum of August 30th, to decide if they would accept or decline the Special Autonomy of Timor-Leste, under the Indonesian regime. 438.968 of those participated in the Referendum.

On September 4th 1999, United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, announced, from New York, the Referendum result: 94.388 (21,5%) Timorese voted in favour of the Special Autonomy under the Indonesian regime; 344,580 (78,5%) voted against.
