Government conducts public consultation on the Package of Laws on Land and Property in 6 sucos of Hatulia sub-district
The Secretary of State for Land and Property, Jaime Xavier Lopes, strengthened the question of the right to private property, enshrined in article 54 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, within the population of six sucos of Hatulia sub-district, Zone A and B, notably Assulau-Saré, Lisapat, Fatubolu, Ura-Hou, Mau-Ubu and Fatubesi. These are sucos with conflicts deriving from occupation of lands.
Jaime Xavier Lopes made this one-week visit to Hatulia sub-district, Ermera district, to conduct a public consultation on the package of laws on land and property. The visit took place from 6 to 11 May, 2013.
“The Government already prepared a package containing three draft laws that will be presented to the Council of Ministers and after approval they will be submitted to the National Parliament. After that they will be forwarded to His Excellency the President of the Republic for promulgation. These laws are the Expropriation Law, the Special Regime for Defining Ownership of Immovable Property, and the Real Estate Financial Fund. There is an article that regulates the peaceful and lasting possession of real estate, thereby protecting possessors holding such status prior to 1999, (i.e. up to December 31, 1998)”, Jaime Xavier lopes stated.
The objective of the visit of the Secretary of State is to inform the population on the ownership of the plantations left by the Portuguese and Indonesian Governments and it takes place following the initiative of the five sucos of Hatolia sub-district, Zone B, plus the sucos of Assulau-Sare and Talo of registering the plantations belonging to the State.
The population called upon the Government to invest in the hiring of a quality company to manage the plantations.
In addition to Secretary of State Jaime Xavier Lopes, present in the public consultation on the package of laws on Land and Property were also the National Director of Land and Property, Heads of Office, the Administrator of Hatolia sub-district, the Police Commander of Ermera district, the Community Police Commander of Rai-Leten Police Post, the community leaders, the members of the suco Council, as well as the entire population of the six sucos.