Ministry of Health launches a book on "Revitalizing Primary Health Care in Timor-Leste"

The Ministry of Health officially launched the book entitled "Revitalization of Primary Health Care in Timor-Leste" on November 8. Present at the event was the Minister of Health Nelson Martins, with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Timor-Leste.
The program's Integrated Community Health Service (SISCa) is a program implemented by the Ministry of Health, fulfilling the promise of the IV Constitutional Government, so as to provide access to health services for the people living in villages and sucos.
"This new book is as a response to issues raised by the professional health staff, development partners, students, community leaders and other citizens who want to know more about the SISCa program in Timor-Leste", said Nelson Martins.
The Minister also mentioned other successes that the ministry has achieved, including the creation of the Pasta Branca, Family Health Register and Health Care for the elderly programs, improving the management in the districts, acquisition of multifunctional vehicles for maternity activities in the sub-districts and sucos throughout the territory.
Currently, the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Timor Lorosa'e National University, is developing a new public health model to be implemented in the sucos throughout the territory, through the establishment of a School for Midwifes, Nursing and Medicine at the Faculty for Health Sciences.