SoSPTE presents a draft on minimum wage
The Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment (SoSPTE), through the National Commission for Minimum Wage (MWNC) presented, on April 28, in the SoSPTE meeting room, a project that fixes the scale for the Timor-Leste minimum wage.
“This presentation was a positive step for the Commission to be able to appreciate and hear all the suggestions presented by the members. It allows the Commission to review the concepts concerning an appropriate and balanced minimum wage according to the basic necessities for human life, before the project is sent to the Council of Ministers and subsequently approved by the National Parliament”, said the Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment, Bendito Freitas.
The Secretary of State revealed he was satisfied with the results, product of the MWNC’s commitment that focussed on article 50, n.o 2 of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, on article 43, n.o 2 of the Labour Code and on article 131 from the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The MWNC Vice President, José da Conceição da Costa, referred that, based on the results obtained last year (April 12, 2011), a proposal was presented to the National Labour Council and to the Labour Committee (Comissão de Relação de Trabalho). They suggested some improvements in the items concerning the minimum wage issue, with the purpose of obtaining its approval and to fix, in the future, a standard of what can be the workers minimum wage. “The MWNC will join efforts so that soon there can be a minimum wage according to international standards”, explained José.
The MWNC is composed by the Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment, the Ministry of Infrastructures, the Ministry of Economy and Development, the civil society, businesspersons and the Labour Committee.