Ministry of Education announces Special Test for Former Contract Teachers from 2023

Fri. 07 of February of 2025, 15:53h

On February 6, 2025, following a dialogue with representatives of the former teachers hired in 2023, the Ministry of Education informed them that a Special Test will be held, which will allow them the opportunity to enter the national education system, according to the criteria established in Decree-Law no. 31/2023 of 31 May. 432748916_269536916202644_6383692053480426408_n-300x212

This test will be exclusive to former teachers hired in 2023 who fulfil the requirements to enter the teaching profession. Initially, it will be carried out for General Secondary Education and Technical-Vocational Education, followed by application for Basic Education, according to need.

To help candidates prepare, the Ministry of Education will provide a study matrix with the content covered by the exam, so that candidates can prepare and achieve good results and enter the teaching profession.

The Ministry of Education will also analyse alternative solutions for former teachers who do not fulfil the requirements for the Special Test, namely those who only have a secondary school diploma.

In 2024, two rounds of tests were held for the Teacher Candidate Pool, with 200 Former Contract Teachers from 2023 being approved.

 At the opening ceremony of the electronic written tests for the Teacher Candidate Pool, the Minister of Education stressed that the government is committed to promoting the quality of education in Timor-Leste, which is a priority in the Programme of the IX Constitutional Government and a fundamental element for national development. She also emphasised that quality education depends on qualified and dedicated teachers to inspire and motivate students. 431903567_731576282488329_6145988003293053877_n-300x199

The Ministry of Education also called on former 2023 contract teachers who have not yet taken part in the previous tests to take advantage of this opportunity, so that they can contribute to building a more qualified and sustainable education system for future generations.
