Minister Agio Pereira and Steve Bracks Discuss Next Steps for the Greater Sunrise Project

Mon. 21 of Outubro of 2024, 16:30h
WhatsApp Image 2024-10-21 at 10.18.27

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Timor-Leste's Interlocutor in the discussions on the Greater Sunrise Project, Agio Pereira, held a videoconference today, October 21, 2024, with Australia's Special Representative for the Greater Sunrise Project, Steve Bracks. The purpose of the meeting was to analyse the current state of negotiations and promote the exchange of information and ideas within the scope of the joint work between Timor-Leste and Australia for the development of Greater Sunrise. The following steps were also discussed to maximise the project's benefits for both nations. 

During the videoconference, Minister Agio Pereira shared with Steve Bracks the conclusions of his recent visit to Brunei Darussalam, where he observed exemplary practices in the oil and gas sector and economic diversification. australia-east-timor-a-tale-of-oil-and-exploitation-1620363667

Steve Bracks reiterated the Australian Government's commitment to close collaboration with Timor-Leste in developing the Greater Sunrise Project.

The meeting also discussed the project's conceptual study, which began in April 2024, led by Wood Australia. This study aims to identify the best options for developing, processing and commercialising the gas extracted from Greater Sunrise. It is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The Greater Sunrise gas fields are located about 140 kilometres south of the Timor-Leste coast. The consortium developing the Greater Sunrise fields (Sunrise Joint Venture) comprises TIMOR GAP, which holds 56.6 percent, Woodside, which has a 33.44 percent stake, and Osaka Gas Australia, which has a 10 percent stake.

The development of Greater Sunrise and the connection of the pipeline to Timor-Leste's south coast are national priorities and essential for the country's future economic growth and development.
