Timor-Leste Reinforces Global Commitment to Peace and Marine Sustainability at the 79th UN General Assembly

Tue. 01 of Outubro of 2024, 10:58h

On September 26th, 2024, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Bendito dos Santos Freitas, took part in several meetings as part of the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. His speeches included his participation in a ministerial meeting on the situation in Gaza, where he defended the two-state solution as a path to peace, and in a high-level Security Council debate, where he stressed the importance of global leadership in preserving international peace and security. The Minister also formally deposited the Instrument of Ratification of the “Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction” (BBNJ Agreement), consolidating Timor-Leste's commitment to protecting marine biodiversity. 461486802_397039410104174_602396860617225968_n

At the Ministerial Meeting on “The Situation in Gaza and the Implementation of the Two-State Solution as a Path to a Just and Comprehensive Peace”, the Minister highlighted the responsibility of the international community to defend the rights of the Palestinian people. “Humanitarian needs in Gaza must be prioritized, guaranteeing access to food, medicine and safe shelter,” he said. Timor-Leste reinforced its support for the two-state solution, considering it the most viable way to resolve the conflict, stressing that the recognition of Palestinian rights does not compromise Israel's security needs, but favors peaceful coexistence. 461421666_397039426770839_270761649160119658_n

The Minister also took part in the United Nations Security Council's High-Level Open Debate on “Leadership for Peace: United in Respect for the UN Charter, in Search of a Secure Future”. In his speech, he stressed the importance of collective leadership that promotes respect for human rights and the dignity of all nations. “Lasting peace can only be achieved with a commitment to the principles of the UN Charter, which guarantees national sovereignty and human rights,” said the Minister, reinforcing Timor-Leste's commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  461431592_396939390114176_526467188828964918_n

Minister Bendito dos Santos Freitas also formalized the deposit of Timor-Leste's Instrument of Ratification of the “Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction” (BBNJ Agreement), during the United Nations Treaty Event 2024. The ceremony was presided over by Stephen Mathias, UN Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, and David Nanopoulos, Chief of the Treaty Section.

With the ratification of the BBNJ Agreement, Timor-Leste reaffirms its commitment to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, at a time when climate change and ocean degradation are global challenges. “It is an honor for Timor-Leste to be among the countries that have ratified this agreement, and we urge all countries that have not yet done so to join this collective effort,” said the Minister. 461302037_397044183437030_2941239898906083410_n

Timor-Leste's delegation to the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations was led by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, who, in addition to participating in various meetings parallel to the UNGA, gave a speech on September 27 at the general debate of the 79th Session of the General Assembly. The national delegation also included the Minister of Health, Elia A. A. dos Reis Amaral, and the Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs, Milena Maria da Costa Rangel.
