Multisectoral team confirms that INFPM’s stock of medicines is sufficient until 2025

Wed. 10 of July of 2024, 17:40h
Screenshot 2024-07-11 094303

A joint inspection carried out by representatives of the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC), the Public Service Commission (PSC), the State Inspector General (SIG) and the Directorate General for the Management of State Assets (DGGPE- acronym in Portuguese) confirmed yesterday, July 9th, 2024, that the stock of medicines at the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medical Products (INFPM) is adequate to meet national needs until February 2025.

During the surprise inspection carried out on Tuesday, it was found that the INFPM maintains a level of medicines sufficient to cover the country’s health needs. 409333161_122127925346057012_593526448258607392_n

According to the CSP’s Commissioner for Disciplinary Affairs, Agapito da Conceição, “the current stock, corresponding to 27% of needs until July, guarantees supply until December 2024 and remains viable for January and February 2025.”

 ”Rosário Salsinha Araújo, the Director General for Prevention and Awareness Raising at the CAC, emphasized that the INFPM is a crucial resource for the Ministry of Health, pointing out that "direct observation in the INFPM warehouse shows that the quantity of medicines is sufficient".

 "The medicines available in the INFPM warehouse are sufficient to meet national needs until January or February 2025," said INFPM Executive Director Brigido Simão Dias de Deus. He also mentioned that processes are underway to acquire more medicines, many of which are already on their way.
