Budget Days 2025 - “Investing in Strategic Infrastructure, Strengthening the Economy, and Improving Citizens' Well-being”

Thu. 04 of July of 2024, 09:28h

The Budgetary Days’ Meeting to prepare the 2025 General State Budget (GSB) will take place on July 5th, 2024, at the Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium in the Ministry of Finance in Dili.


The 2025 Budgetary Days, themed “Investing in Strategic Infrastructure, Strengthening the Economy, and Improving Citizens' Well-being”, aim to define the Government's priorities and the fiscal ceiling for 2025.

The event will start at 8:30 a.m. and feature an opening speech by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão. The second session will analyse macroeconomic issues, budget strategy, and financial sector performance. Also in the morning, proposals for priorities, mandatory expenses, and scenarios for the 2025 fiscal ceiling will be presented. In the afternoon, the participants will discuss the topics presented and define the priorities and the fiscal ceiling for the 2025 GSB.

According to the priorities defined, the line ministries will prepare their sectoral budget proposals to be analysed by the Budget Review Committee between August 12th and 27th, 2024.
