Timor-Leste Celebrates Milestone with TLSSC Cable Landing Event

Sat. 22 of June of 2024, 18:40h
PM Asina Plaka konaba Atribuisaun naran Herois ba Repeater

The Ministry of Transport and Communication of Timor-Leste is proud to announce the successful landing of the Timor-Leste South Submarine Cable System (TLSSC) on Monday, 24 June 2024. This landmark event marks a significant advancement in the nation’s telecommunications infrastructure, connecting Timor-Leste to the North West Cable System (NWCS) owned by Vocus, Australia. WhatsApp Image 2024-06-22 at 4.26.02 PM

The TLSSC, a state-of-the-art telecommunications submarine fiber optic cable system, is designed to support a data transfer capacity of 27 terabits per second (Tbps) between Timor-Leste and Australia. The cable spans 607 kilometers, includes seven repeaters, and features a branch cable to the Greater Sunrise region. It has been meticulously constructed by Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) of France, a global leader in submarine network technology.

The TLSSC project underscores Timor-Leste's commitment to improving digital connectivity, fostering economic growth, and enhancing communication capabilities for both individuals and businesses. This new infrastructure will significantly reduce latency and increase internet speed, heralding a new era of digital transformation for the nation.

To honor the national heroes, the Council of Ministers, in their meeting on 5 June 2024, decided to dedicate the naming of the repeaters and branching unit with the names of the following national heroes/heroines: Saudosa Maria Udu Bele “Maria Tapó”; Saudosa Rosa Bonaparte Soares “Muki”; Saudosa Dukce Maria da Cruz “We-We”; Saudoso Fernando de Araújo “Lasama”; Saudoso Espirito Santo; Saudoso José da Silva; Saudoso Venâncio Ramos Amaral Ferraz; and Saudoso Nelo Kadomi Timor. A dedication event will be held on 22 June 2024, at the Dili Port. WhatsApp Image 2024-06-22 at 4.21.41 PM

His Excellency Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, Minister of Transport and Communication of Timor-Leste, stated, "Today, we celebrate a monumental achievement that will propel Timor-Leste into a new age of connectivity. The TLSSC is more than just a cable; it is a lifeline that will bridge our nation with the world, providing unprecedented opportunities for growth, innovation, and development."

The connection to the NWCS will enable Timor-Leste to leverage robust telecommunications infrastructure in Australia, ensuring reliable and high-speed internet access. This enhancement is expected to attract new investments, support the burgeoning digital economy, and improve the quality of life for all citizens. WhatsApp Image 2024-06-22 at 4.29.38 PM

The cable landing event will feature keynotes from prominent government officials, representatives from ASN, and stakeholders from the telecommunications industry. The ceremony will highlight the collaborative efforts that have made this project a reality and celebrate the bright future of connectivity in Timor-Leste.
