Prime Minister Attends Peace Summit for Ukraine

Mon. 17 of June of 2024, 15:13h

Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão attended the Plenary Session of the Peace Summit for Ukraine, which took place on June 15th and 16th in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. 448510996_331942686628733_3254785855732284815_n

The Summit, a global platform that united approximately 60 world leaders and representatives from 90 Governments, concluded with a joint declaration reaffirming Ukraine’s territorial integrity and advocating for the involvement of all parties in the pursuit of peace.   448548990_331942899962045_4404190110234190758_n

During his address, the Prime Minister firmly asserted that “international law is the bedrock of peace and global order” and contended that “it should be universally applied to all nations, with all States adhering to it.”

Xanana Gusmão emphasised the importance of approaching all conflicts with equal concern, stating that “we have a moral obligation to approach and concern ourselves with all conflicts equally”.

“There are currently around 65 wars going on in the world. Even if they seem distant from our own countries, we must not forget them”, said the Head of Government, reiterating the need to “uphold the promise of justice in international law and endeavour to achieve peace”.
