Timor-Leste celebrates International Day of People with Disabilities

Tue. 05 of December of 2023, 10:55h

The closing ceremony of the celebrations for the International Day of People with Disabilities in Timor-Leste was chaired by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, accompanied by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, and the Executive Director of the People with Disabilities Association of Timor-Leste (ADTL – Portuguese acronym), Cesário da Silva, at the Dili Convention Centre on December 3rd, 2023.

The celebrations took place over three days, from December 1st to 3rd, with the theme “Unity in Action to Save and Achieve Sustainable Development Goals for and with People with Disabilities”—the event aimed to promote inclusivity, prosperity, resilience, sustainability and accessibility for people with disabilities. People with disabilities from all over the country participated in various cultural and sporting activities, a seminar, a march and concerts. 407605577_680338070906754_24026902388168991_n

The head of the Government highlighted the importance of this commemoration because “by celebrating this day with the slogan inclusivity, we emphasise that people with disabilities must participate fully, without being excluded, because inclusivity promotes prosperity”. He also argued that by “promoting everyone's contribution to society, it becomes more resilient”. “By facing challenges, we persist, thus demonstrating our resilience. We believe that by promoting accessibility, we can contribute and play a crucial role in the nation's sustainable development.”

Xanana Gusmão reiterated the 9th Government's “commitment to supporting the 93,000 Timorese living with disabilities, a commitment that is not charity, but a demonstration of trust and belief in the participation of these citizens in the construction of the State”.

Minister Verónica das Dores assured that “the Government will not leave people with disabilities behind” and “on behalf of the 9th Constitutional Government, through the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, encouraged all civil society, especially organisations for people with disabilities, to join the Government in joint actions, to find ways to implement the programmes and priorities already outlined by the Government to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Timor-Leste. This work requires continuous coll401451565_679222941018267_6598052534275146596_naboration with Organisations for People with Disabilities and their families.”

The ADTL Executive Director expressed his gratitude to the Prime Minister and the Government for giving “priority to supporting people with disabilities”. He praised “the government's policy of promoting the talents and abilities of people with disabilities, integrating them into the process of state-building”.

