Government appoints new Executive Director of the Human Capital Development Fund

Thu. 16 of November of 2023, 12:08h

The Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment (MPSE), Gastão Francisco de Sousa, in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF), announced on November 16th, 2023, the appointment of Júlio Aparício as the new Executive Director of the Technical Secretariat of the Human Capital Development Fund, for a four-year term. Júlio Aparício takes over from the outgoing Executive Director, Cristóvão dos Reis. The ceremony took place on the premises of the HCDF's technical secretariat. 399652107_750332397133692_6290554190035408343_n

During the ceremony, Minister Gastão Francisco de Sousa advocated that the position should not be permanent but should rotate over time. However, he emphasised that the institution should continue to operate consistently to promote the development of both the people and the nation.

The Minister expressed his belief in the shared commitment to move forward positively, maintaining what works well and improving what needs refinement to serve the nation and its people, especially our young people in higher education. 401809438_196700400158256_1398140709183835554_n

The new Executive Director, Júlio Aparício, expressed his gratitude for the trust the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment has vested in him with this appointment. He pledged to collaborate with all stakeholders to develop the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF) and instil changes in human resources development in Timor-Leste.

