Political Review Committee begins analysis of the 2024 General State Budget

Wed. 25 of Outubro of 2023, 12:00h

Yesterday, October 24th, 2023, the Government, through the Political Review Committee, began analysing the programmes and budget proposals of the ministries and autonomous agencies to draw up the final version of the draft Law Proposal for the 2024 General State Budget (GSB), to be submitted to the National Parliament by November 24th. The Political Review Committee meetings will take place until November 9th in the Auditorium of the Ministry of Finance.

The Political Review Committee is responsible for verifying the strategic allocation of resources in budget submissions to achieve the commitments and objectives set out in the strategic documents and assess the feasibility of plans for the 2024 financial year.

The Prime Minister chairs the Political Review Committee. This Committee also comprises the Vice Prime Ministers, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Public Works and the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment. The Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion, the President of the Institute for the Defence of Children’s Rights, and the representative of the Association of Disabled People of Timor-Leste will also participate in the meetings of the Political Review Committee as observers.

The Political Review Committee shall ensure the feasibility of the annual plans of the services and entities of the public administrative sector and their conformity with the national priorities defined based on the Strategic Development Plan 2011 - 2030, the Government Programme, the medium-term plans and annual plans of the services and entities of the public administrative sector, and any other political and strategic documents of the Government. The allocation of budget appropriations to each service or entity must be in accordance with their annual plans and respect the expenditure ceiling previously established for each title.

The total amount of expenditure planned for the 2024 General State Budget is US$ 1.6 billion, which reflects a reduction of 18 per cent, equivalent to US$ 360 million, compared to the 2023 General State Budget. This figure includes an allocation of US$ 1,458,292,345 for the central administration, US$ 81,707,655 for Social Security and US$ 60,000,000 for the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cússe Ambeno. Not included in this amount is the Social Security Reserve Fund, which has an amount of $US 162,007,651.

