Timor-Leste and Indonesia Continue Land Border Negotiations

Tue. 17 of Outubro of 2023, 12:06h

Delegations from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Republic of Indonesia met for the 6th Senior Officials Consultation (SOC) (13-14/10) in Nusa Dua-Bali, Indonesia, to continue discussions on the remaining unresolved segment of the Noel Besi-Citrana land border in Oe-cusse. 393304868_177946875361649_8598359948420511798_n

“This is a high priority for both governments. Timor-Leste and Indonesia are working tirelessly to find an amicable, fair, and lasting solution. We are negotiating in good faith,” said Ambassador Roberto Soares, as Head of Timor-Leste’s Technical Negotiation Team, and Special Assistant to the Chief Negotiator, during his opening speech at the 6th SOC.

The Ambassador added the government of Timor-Leste believes the definitive and permanent delimitation of the land border with Indonesia will further safeguard national sovereignty, strengthen security, guarantee socio-cultural affinities, and bring socio-economic benefits for both countries. 391675936_177946948694975_1159046548361996112_n

“Timor-Leste has been very consistent since the beginning of our negotiations. We, the Timorese, are just focused and demanding what legally and legitimately belongs to us,” said Ambassador Roberto.

The Ambassador also said after two days of intense and exhaustive meetings, both delegations expressed their satisfaction with the progress achieved during the 6th SOC. It was noted, the two delegations conducted the consultation in good faith, that aimed to strengthening and solidifying the strategic partnership, solidarity, and cooperation of both countries to safeguard especially the wellbeing of the people living in the border areas.

As the 6th SOC concluded, both parties agreed to continue with technical and practical preparations with the intention of completing the demarcation of the land border between Timor-Leste and Indonesia potentially by end of 2023.
