Minister Agio meets with partner company in the Greater Sunrise development Joint Venture

Tue. 17 of Outubro of 2023, 10:49h

Today, October 17th, 2023, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, welcomed a delegation from Osaka Gas Australia Pty Ltd ("OGA"), led by its Deputy Director, Tetsuro Takebata, to the Government Palace in Dili.

Osaka Gas Australia is an energy company with significant investments in oil and gas projects, part of the consortium developing the Greater Sunrise fields (Sunrise Joint Venture) with a 10 per cent stake, together with TIMOR GAP, with a 56.6 per cent stake, and Woodside Energy, with a 33.44 per cent stake. 172760ec-aaf5-414a-810f-5cd6162f225b

During the meeting, the Minister and Osaka Gas Australia representatives discussed the feasibility studies for the Greater Sunrise development and the negotiation process with Australia on the resource development concept.

Minister Agio Pereira shared the 9th Constitutional Government's vision for developing Greater Sunrise resources, reiterating the Government's commitment to bringing the pipeline to Timor-Leste and establishing a development hub on the South Coast centred on oil and gas activities. d9104108-6a50-4655-85a8-fdb88214ae82

The discussion also covered the significant reforms in the oil and minerals sector undertaken by the 9th Government since the beginning of its mandate, including the restructuring of TIMOR GAP, E.P., to align it with international best practices, increase transparency and credibility and ensure greater efficiency in the oil sector. The Government also reorganised the National Petroleum Authority, focusing it exclusively on the oil and gas sector. It established the National Minerals Authority to regulate the mineral resources sector and upgraded the Institute of Petroleum and Geology to boost research into geosciences and geotechnologies.

The permanent maritime boundary agreement between Timor-Leste and Australia determines that Greater Sunrise, a shared resource located 150 kilometres from Timor-Leste and 450 kilometres from Darwin, will have to be shared, with 70% of the revenue going to Timor-Leste in the case of a pipeline to the country, or 80% if the processing is in Darwin.
