Government approves global ceiling of 1.6 billion US dollars for GSB 2024

Mon. 02 of Outubro of 2023, 15:32h
WhatsApp Image 2023-10-02 at 14.29.04

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and decided to approve the total amount of expenditure associated with each budget title for the 2024 General State Budget (2024 GSB), with a total estimated amount of US$1.6 billion.

This amount represents an 18 per cent reduction, equivalent to US$ 360 million, compared to the 2023 General State Budget. WhatsApp Image 2023-10-02 at 14.29.05

The aggregate ceiling of US$ 1.6 billion includes an allocation of US$ 1,458,292,345 for the Central Administration, US$ 81,707,655 for Social Security and US$ 60,000,000 for the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno. This figure does not include the Social Security Reserve Fund, which amounts to US$162,007,651.

Of the total amount of the 2024 General State Budget, US$ 400,276,781 will be allocated to wages and salaries, representing a 14 per cent reduction compared to 2023. US$ 254,767,075 is earmarked for goods and services, representing a 36 per cent reduction compared to the 2023 General State Budget. For minor capital expenditure, an amount of US$ 247,320 is planned, while for development capital, an amount of US$ 177,606,384 is foreseen, corresponding to reductions of 14% and 23%, respectively. Lastly, an allocation of US$ 767,102,440 is planned for public transfers, representing a 13% reduction compared to the 2023 General State Budget.

The public entities will now have their budget proposals finalised, to be analysed by the Budget Review Committee, from October 23rd until November 9th. The 2024 General State Budget draft Law Proposal is expected to be approved by the Council of Ministers by November 14th, 2023 and submitted to the National Parliament by November 24th.
