Swearing-in of the new heads of the Oil and Minerals sector

Fri. 22 of September of 2023, 12:00h

Today, September 22nd, 2023, the swearing-in ceremony of the new presidents of the oil and mineral resources sector public institutions took place, hosted by Minister Francisco da Costa Monteiro, at the Delta Nova Hall in Dili. These appointments and reforms are aimed at revitalising Timor-Leste's oil sector, restoring its dynamism, and establishing relationships of trust with all players, partners, counterparts, and other stakeholders, in line with the priorities the 9th Constitutional Government set.

The newly appointed presidents for the four-years term are:

Rui Maria Alves Soares, as Chairman of the Board of Directors and, inherently, Chairman of the Executive Committee of TIMOR GAP, E.P. - Timor Gas & Petroleum, E.P. ("TIMOR GAP").

José Manuel Gonçalves, as Chairman of the Board of Directors and, inherently, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Murak Rai Timor, E.P.

Gualdino do Carmo da Silva, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Petroleum Authority, I.P. (ANP- Portuguese acronym).

Rafael Danilson Magno de Araújo, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Minerals Authority, I.P. (ANM- Portuguese acronym).

Job Brites dos Santos, as President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Geosciences of Timor-Leste, I.P. (IGTL).

These appointments were made based on the appointees' suitability, integrity, academic and professional training, experience in senior positions and technical skills in the oil, gas and mineral resources sectors. These characteristics are essential for adequately performing their duties in the respective organisations within the scope of the public interest service they provide to the State.

The Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, in his speech at the swearing-in of the 9th Constitutional Government, stressed that it was a priority to "immediately restructure the management of TIMOR GAP and ANPM (Portuguese acronym), to ensure greater efficiency in the oil sector, crucial for the country's development".

As in his swearing-in speech, the Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of this sector for national development in the presentation of the Government Program to the National Parliament and guaranteed that "the 9th Government is truly committed to bringing the pipeline to Timor-Leste, proving to the world that this is an economically viable and safe solution".

He added that "the development of the South Coast will be a centre of activity for oil and natural gas" and that "the whole country will benefit from this project, not only because of the increase in Gross Domestic Product but also because of the economic dynamics provided by the productivity of various economic factors".

Within this context of reforms in the oil and mineral resources sector, the Council of Ministers approved five draft Decree-Laws at its meeting on August 16th, including the restructuring of TIMOR GAP, E.P. to align it with international best practices and increase transparency and credibility, the reorganisation of the National Petroleum Authority to focus exclusively on the oil and gas sector, the establishment of the National Minerals Authority, responsible for regulating the mineral resources sector, for the extinction of Companhia Mineira de Timor-Leste, S.A. and the establishment of Murak Rai Timor, E.P., aiming at instilling greater efficiency and transparency in the minerals sector and lastly, the updating of the Institute of Petroleum and Geology to promote research in geosciences and geotechnologies.

