Timor-Leste participates in the G77+China Summit in Havana

Wed. 20 of September of 2023, 15:48h

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Bendito dos Santos Freitas, representing the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, attended the G77+China Summit with the theme “Current development challenges: the role of science, technology and innovation”, which was held in Havana, Cuba, on September 15th and 16th, 2023.

The G77, founded initially by 77 developing countries, is the largest intergovernmental organisation of Southern countries in the United Nations and currently includes 134 countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America. Although China does not consider itself a member, it has been participating externally since 1992. The group plays a strategic role in promoting the collective interests of developing countries and improving their negotiating capacity on global economic issues. 378137984_164627110012073_347984496453518019_n

The Havana Summit sought to address the urgent need to promote a fair international order for developing states, reflecting on the transformative role of science, technology and innovation in achieving the sustainable development goals by 2030.

Minister Bendito Freitas stated in his speech, "Timor-Leste recognises that the G77 and China (...) have been playing a strategic role not only in promoting our collective interests but also in increasing our joint negotiating capacity concerning important global issues”.

The Minister also emphasised that we live “at a crucial moment in history when multiple global crises are exacerbating their numerous impacts, especially on developing countries”.

The current global challenges, such as the crisis in Ukraine, the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, “can only be overcome through concerted collective action invested in ever stronger international cooperation, respecting the universal principles of solidarity, equality and democracy”, he added.

He also expressed “the hope that this Summit will serve as another valuable opportunity for us to reflect on the transformative role that science, technology and innovation could play in building a future that fulfils aspirations and expectations”. 379658215_164626986678752_3028299398123814340_n

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation also noted that “as the newest country in Asia and as the country ranked first in the Southeast Asia Democracy Index, Timor-Leste knows well from experience that science, technology and innovation play a crucial role in strengthening democracies, driving reforms that allow democratic institutions not only to survive but to flourish”.

“We must seize this extraordinary opportunity to prove irrefutably that democracy, technology and innovation can coexist, helping to affirm democratic values, the rule of law and respect for human rights on a global scale”.

Bendito Freitas ended his speech by reiterating “the strong commitment that Timor-Leste will continue to work within the framework of the G77+China, in a spirit of total openness and cooperation, to defend the principle of equality in the world economic and social order, moving towards the aspirations set out in Agenda 2030 for the Sustainable Development Goals”.
