Interministerial Meeting for the Coordination of Social Affairs

Wed. 20 of September of 2023, 10:00h

On September 8th, 2023, the Vice Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Rural Development and Community Housing, Mariano Assanami Sabino, held the first coordination meeting with the ministries related to social issues. The meeting took place at the Government Palace.

The meeting was attended by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture, the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, the Ministry of National Liberation Fighters' Affairs, and the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Art and Culture.

The main objective of this meeting was to take stock of the implementation of the priority programmes in the first 120 days of the mandate. Each ministry presented information on its priority programmes and the measures taken to implement them. 378030146_166456329830488_4207365079587028924_n

The Ministry of Health presented information on its priority programmes, including the fight against dengue fever, tuberculosis and malnutrition, and improvements in drug distribution management and public service in health facilities.

The Ministry of Education highlighted efforts to tackle issues related to contract and volunteer teachers and improve the school meals programme.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Culture has focussed on improving the quality of teaching and enhancing the qualifications of teachers in language.

The Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion has prioritised settling outstanding issues with allowance and social security payments.

The Ministry of National Liberation Combatants' Affairs highlighted as priorities the collection of remains of former combatants and their laying in ossuaries and the definitive verification of the pending data of former national liberation combatants.

The Ministry of Youth, Sports, Art and Culture reported on progress in formulating policies related to sport and martial arts, as well as efforts to tackle the challenges faced by sports associations.

During the meeting, it was stressed the importance of holding these regular monthly meetings and including the entities that support the ministries in the social areas to ensure effective coordination and synchronisation of programmes, allowing actions to take place positively and achieve the objectives set.


