Ministry of Health Launches National Campaign to Promote Breastfeeding

Wed. 16 of August of 2023, 16:31h

On August 11th, 2023, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and other partners, launched a National Breastfeeding Promotion Campaign in Village (Suco) Gariuai, Baucau municipality. The campaign, part of World Breastfeeding Week, will be extended to all municipalities nationwide. 366819791_614265760830155_4767100569872822776_n

The Vice Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Affairs and Minister of Rural Development and Community Housing, Mariano Assanami Sabino, emphasised the importance of breastfeeding in the fight against malnutrition.

The Minister of Health, Élia A. A. dos Reis Amaral, expressed her gratitude to all the health professionals who support new mothers and raise awareness of the importance of breastfeeding.

366845680_614265977496800_3310998352924071445_nThe World Health Organization Representative in Timor-Leste, Arvind Mathur, stated that the event was “a magnificent celebration of World Breastfeeding Week” and highlighted its importance “to spread this message beyond Dili, to the heart of Timor-Leste’s municipalities”. “This is not a symbolic gesture, but a call to action, a reminder to stand by mothers, support them and empower them to feed and care for their babies,” he said.

World Breastfeeding Week is a time for global reflection on the importance of breastfeeding in promoting children’s health. In collaboration with international partners, the 9th Government is reinforcing its commitment to ensuring adequate and healthy nutrition for children. 366837714_614265554163509_8089318363933594221_n

This year’s celebrations highlighted the critical role of families, the community, health facilities and the workplace in making breastfeeding easier for mothers.
