Government launches strategic plan "Timor Digital 2032" to boost national digital and technological development

Fri. 02 of June of 2023, 19:48h

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, representing the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, and together with the Executive Director of the Information and Communication Technology Agency (TIC Timor IP), Roberto Caitano de Sousa Vicente, launched, on June 2nd, 2023, the National Strategic Plan for Digital Development and Information and Communication Technology (“Timor Digital 2032”) to boost the country’s digital and technological development.

The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. It was attended by members of the Government, representatives of the diplomatic corps, development partners, and civil society organisations.

"Timor Digital 2032" is a ten-year strategic plan to develop digital technologies and ICTs, with emphasis on their application in critical areas that have the most significant impact on human and economic development, such as the delivery of government services - e-government/digital government, the inclusive economy, health, education and agriculture. To keep in line with the Government's development priorities, the strategic plan is also prepared for adaptability and additional areas to be progressively included.

This strategic plan results from the Public Administration Reform Programme of the 8th Constitutional Government, which lasts ten years and aims to apply digital technologies and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in priority areas for human and economic development.

The objectives of "Timor Digital 2032" include implementing e-government/digital to deliver government services, foster an inclusive economy, and strengthen the health, education and agriculture sectors. The plan is also set to include additional areas according to government development priorities progressively.

One of the main goals of "Timor Digital 2032" is to establish an enabling environment for the successful development of digital technologies and ICTs in Timor-Leste. To this end, digital strategic pillars, enabling pillars (areas to be developed for effective implementation, adoption and value creation) and core strategic principles will be defined to guide all plan initiatives.

Timor Digital 2032 will also play an essential role in promoting cooperation and shared understanding among all stakeholders and laying the foundation for working together towards digitisation. Therefore, the strategic plan proposes coordination and implementation mechanisms aligned with the Government's development priorities and optimising the government's value for money and partner investments in digitisation and ICT.
