National Dialogue between Children and the President of the Republic, National Parliament, Government and Development Partners in Timor-Leste

Thu. 16 of February of 2023, 15:38h

The Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI - Portuguese Acronym), through the National Institute for the Rights of the Child, I.P., held a national dialogue between children and the President of the Republic, National Parliament, members of the Government and Development Partners in Timor-Leste, under the theme " Listen to Our Voices to Guarantee and Realize Our Rights". The event was held at the Dili Convention Centre on February 16th, 2023.

In his remarks, the President of the Republic, José Ramos-Horta, said that "We need to make a policy planning and strategy for children, do proper planning and hire competent people to execute it; we need to establish partnerships between the Government and the international community, especially our international partners who are concerned about children's education and nutrition. Furthermore, we must prioritise budgets for children, especially in education, nutrition and other areas, to ensure their rights in Timor-Leste."

The Vice-Minister of MSSI, Signi Verdial, pledged commitment by the State of Timor-Leste to guarantee children's rights and give them protection to develop their potential and create a better future for them in Timor-Leste. Furthermore, the Government and Social Solidarity Institutions assist children who are victims of domestic violence, gender-based violence, and children involved in legal conflicts and promote children's rights.

UNICEF Representative, Bilal Durrani, in his remarks, stated that "almost half of the children in Timor-Leste live on the poverty line, malnourished” and that “around 63% of children under five years old suffer from anaemia" but stressed that "society and the country's mothers and fathers, as well as the President of the Republic, have defined children as the highest national priority, for a Timor-Leste without children dying at birth and with all children healthy, well-nourished, learning and safe, so we hope that the future will bring positive changes to our lives".

The President of the National Institute for the Rights of the Child, Dinorah Granadeiro, said that the dialogue aimed to hear directly from the children about their concerns and suggestions so that they may be considered by the different ministerial lines, institutions and partners so that solutions can be found to guarantee and protect children's rights. The results of this dialogue will be recorded in a report, to be submitted to the relevant institutions to address the concerns and suggestions presented.

Lastly, the Children's Representative in Timor-Leste, Olavio Almeida de Araújo, asked all institutions to fight seriously for children's rights, especially in education, health, justice, nutrition, and other areas and acknowledged the Government and the Development Partners for this opportunity.
