The Government of Timor-Leste and the Ambassador of India discuss bilateral cooperation in the area of heritage and culture

Thu. 02 of February of 2023, 01:52h

The Secretary of State for Art and Culture (SEAC – Portuguese acronym), Teófilo Caldas, received, on February 02nd, 2023, at the Secretariat of State premises, the courtesy visit of the Indian Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor-Leste, Manoj Kumar Bharti, to discuss bilateral cooperation in the area of heritage and culture.

On behalf of the Government of Timor-Leste, the Secretary of State Teófilo Caldas acknowledged the “Government of India for all the support offered, particularly concerning groups of artists and artisans, who in 2022 and 2023 participated in the cultural exchange and promotion of creative and cultural industries in India, allowing participants to establish new markets for cultural products in the country. aca076e3-2ff0-4734-82cc-263efdd4456e

Teófilo Caldas also pointed out that “the Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, foresees as a main priority for the culture sector, the establishment of a cultural centre, a national museum and an academy of art and creative industries. In addition, the Government also has as its priorities the support to the preservation of cultural heritage, such as the construction of traditional sacred houses and the support to groups of creative and cultural industries.

The Ambassador Manoj Kumar Bharti stated that “every year the Indian Government offers scholarships to Timorese citizens, of which 20 have already graduated and have also had work experience”.

