49 Timorese students took an online test to apply for Indonesian polytechnic

Tue. 28 of February of 2023, 15:02h

February 28th, 2023 - A delegation from the School of Accounting (Politeknik Sekolah Tinggi Akuntasi) (STAN – Indonesian language acronym) from Jakarta, Indonesia, is currently in Dili to support an online test for 49 Timorese scholarship candidates who will continue their Diploma IV (bachelor) studies, in the areas of Accounting, Public Finance Management and State Assets Management.

During its visit to Timor-Leste, the STAN Polytechnic delegation from Jakarta met with the Minister of Finance, Rui Gomes.

In this meeting, Minister Rui Gomes, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, acknowledged all the support the STAN Polytechnic of Jakarta provided aiming to train the Timorese and develop their knowledge and skills in essential areas such as Accounting, Public Finance Management, and State Assets Management.

The 8th Constitutional Government gives importance to people as a crucial element for development. In the 2023 General State Budget, presented under the motto "Productive Investment and Inclusive Growth for the Next Generation", the Government allocated 36%, or US$ 772 million, to the Social Capital Sector, which includes Health, Education, and Social Protection. This sector is the largest beneficiary of 2023 GSB funding. This reflects the importance the Government gives to universal access to quality education (US$ 137 million), health (US$ 92 million) and social protection (US$ 301 million), namely for the most vulnerable groups.

