Government distributes food assistance to over 33,000 vulnerable pregnant and breastfeeding women in six municipalities, with support from Japan and WFP

Thu. 05 of January of 2023, 20:50h

The Vice-Minister of Social Solidarity, Signi Chandrawati Verdial, accompanied by the Japanese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Tetsuya Kimura and the representative of the World Food Program in Timor-Leste, Cecilia Garzon, on January 5th, 2023, launched a food distribution programme for the most vulnerable pregnant and breastfeeding woman, at Wenunu Village, Metinaro Administrative Post, Dili Municipality.

The Ministry of Social Security and Inclusion Programme has a financial contribution of US$ 3 million from the Government of Japan and the World Food Program (WFP) support for its implementation.

This programme, complementary to Bolsa da Mãe-Jerasaun Foun (Mother’s Allowance – New Generation), provides nutritious food to over 33,000 of the most vulnerable pregnant and breastfeeding women in Baucau, Covalima, Dili, Ermera, Manatuto and Manufahi municipalities, aiming at of fighting malnutrition.

The distribution of enriched rice, beans and cooking oil is intended to guarantee the beneficiaries the necessary macro and micronutrients, together with the satisfaction of the calorie needs, to fight malnutrition. 323447095_721614162586513_7439812258028452074_n

In all, 1594 tons of rice, 213 tons of beans and 106 tons of oil will be distributed.

Fausto Soares Dias, Metinaro Administrative Post’s Administrator, and Dili Municipality Social Solidarity Centre’s Director and team were also present at the launching of the programme.
