CAC celebrates its 12th anniversary with the launch of the online platform for registering the declaration of income, assets and interests

Tue. 22 of February of 2022, 16:02h

The Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC – Portuguese acronym) marked its 12th anniversary on February 22nd, 2022 with the launch of an online platform for the registration of the declaration of income, assets and interests (DRBI – Portuguese acronym). The ceremony took place at the Laline Lariguto Hall, in the National Elections Commission (CNE – Portuguese acronym) premises, in Dili.

During the event, the Information and Communication Technology Agency, TIC TIMOR I.P., responsible for the implementation of the platform, signed a memorandum of understanding with the CAC regarding its management. 273823034_1394304124359969_6865620212384789067_n

The main objectives of the declaration system of income, assets and interests of persons exercising public functions are to detect and prevent conflicts of interest, as well as to monitor the variation of wealth to detect significant and unjustified increases in the assets of persons subject to declaration. In their declaration, persons exercising public functions also provide information on income, assets and interests, obligations and expenses of members of their household.

The measure is regulated by Law No. 7 /2020 of August 26th, which approved the measures to prevent and combat corruption.

The competent authority to receive and verify declarations is the CAC, except for the President of the Republic, members of the National Parliament, members of the Government, and public agents of the CAC, whose declaration is received and verified by the Supreme Court of Justice.

In his intervention, the CAC Commissioner, Sérgio Hornai, stressed the importance of the launch of this platform to "increase and strengthen the integrity of the State's public agents and prevent conflicts of interest".274043452_376694993841094_3606333373713657250_n

The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, in his speech, started by congratulating the CAC for its 12th anniversary and expressed that it was a  great honour to participate in this ceremony representing the Head of Government, to reaffirm, once again, the commitment of the 8th Government, and the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, and his cabinet, in good governance and the fight against corruption in our country.

The Minister also highlighted that this platform “is not important for the members of the Government, but it is important for society because, for Timor-Leste to achieve its development goals and also so that the trust of citizens in the State does not decrease, verification mechanisms such as this one are needed, which reinforce the integrity of people, politicians and directors”.
