Prime Minister expresses satisfaction for the progress of the vaccination programme in Baucau

Fri. 20 of August of 2021, 11:21h

The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the vaccination programme in the Baucau municipality, which has already reached 42% (people vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine).

The Head of Government expressed his satisfaction at the meeting of the Task Force team for the immunization Programme in the municipality of Baucau, which was held at the Baucau Municipality Administration Hall, this Friday, August 20th, 2021, after being presented with the report on the progress of the vaccination in the Municipality of Baucau, by the Vice-Minister of State Administration, Lino de Jesus Torrezão.

“I am pleased with the results already achieved, even though there are difficulties. This shows that you have made every effort, and I congratulate you for your sacrifices”, said the Head of Government.

“Our effort is to get our citizens to get the vaccine, to save their lives from COVID-19. The Government has no other intention. The Government's intention is to save the lives of the people. That is the most important thing.”, the Head of Government stressed.

Taking this opportunity, the Head of Government continued to encourage all citizens who have not yet received the vaccine, to do so, in order to stay away from the contagion of COVID-19, and especially, in order to avoid hospitalisation and death, because currently 90% of the positive cases in quarantine and isolation in Vera Cruz are people who have not yet received the vaccine.

According to data from the Baucau Municipality Task Force, from the month of April until August 19th, 2021, 30,429 people, or 42% of people over 18 years of age in Baucau Municipality have received the first dose of the vaccine, and 8,806 people, or 12% of people, have received the second dose of vaccine. Therefore, the cumulative total of the population of Baucau who have received the first and second dose of the vaccine is 39,235 people out of a total eligible population of 73,317 in the Baucau municipality.

According to the Minister of State Administration, Miguel de Carvalho, as the person in charge of the vaccination campaign in Baucau and Lautem municipalities, the difficulties faced by the vaccination programme team are mainly the continued dissemination of false information, which continues to be spread in the community, scaring people not to receive the vaccine, and the distance of people from the vaccination sites. Despite this, the minister assured that he will reach the goals set by the Government, because after listening to the explanations, the majority of the population wants to be vaccinated.
