Government and UNTL sign memorandum within the scope of the readjustment process of the Strategic Development Plan

Tue. 22 of June of 2021, 11:29h

The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory (MPO - acronym in Portuguese), José Maria dos Reis, signed, on June 22nd, 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding with the Rector of the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), João Soares Martins. The signing ceremony took place at the MPO Office, in Fatuhada, Dili.

This Memorandum of Understanding is an agreement between these two entities, so that UNTL can collaborate with the MPO, through the Centre for Integrated Planning, in the process of Readjustment of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP)  and in the development of national strategic policies.

The SDP Readjustment process was approved last week, through a Resolution of the Council of Ministers, with the creation of an Interministerial Commission, led by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, and which includes the two Vice Prime Ministers, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

The working committee is coordinated by the Centre for Integrated Planning (CIP) of the Ministry of Planning and Territory, and will be directly led by the Minister himself, according to the Organic Law of the MPO. This committee will carry out the technical work and coordinate with UPMA and the technical services of the University group.

Vice Prime Minister added that this memorandum is due to the recognition that the role of academics is very important in the process of policy development and strategic development.

For this reason, the Memorandum of Understanding now signed paves the way to strengthen and develop the collaboration between the MPO and UNTL, through developing consultations, discussions and Seminars in relevant areas, including a more detailed focus on the areas of Urban Planning, Territorial Planning and the Readjustment of the Strategic Development Plan. This is also a good opportunity for UNTL to have a plan to prepare the necessary staff to respond to labour market needs and development in the next 20 to 30 years.
