CNA has already completed procurement processes for 107 projects

Mon. 10 of May of 2021, 09:18h

The Ministry of Finance, through the National Procurement Commission (CNA, Portuguese acronym), opened, between January 2021 and May 7th, 2021, procurement tender processes for 107 projects, for a total amount of USD$ 565,446,270.37.  Most of the procurement processes for these projects have already started and some of them are already in the final stage of procurement and, according to the planned timetables, should be completed during this year.

Funding for these 107 projects comes from various sources: (i) Infrastructure Fund, for an amount of USD$ 328,387,809.65; (ii) Other Funds, for an amount of USD$ 21,058,460.72; and (iii) Loans from International Agencies: Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), for an amount of USD$ 216,000,000.00

The bidding modalities of these 107 projects are the following: (i) International Competitive Bidding (ICB), 13 projects; (ii) National Competitive Bidding (NCB), 62 projects for the supply of goods and construction of national and rural roads; (iii) Restricted Bidding, (RT), 23 projects; and (iv) Consulting Services Procurement, (RFP), 9 projects.

Of the 107 packages, the majority focus on the civil construction area, with the objective of these procurement processes being the construction of main infrastructures such as national roads, bridges, construction and extension of the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport, as well as the continuation of the rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads in the municipalities of Lautém, Baucau, Covalima, Manatuto, Viqueque, Manufahi, Ainaro, Ermera, Bobonaro and Liquiçá.

In addition to these construction projects, there is also the modality of Consultancy Services for new construction designs and supervision of civil construction services.  Another modality that is very important is the service of acquisition and supply of Goods and Services, such as the supply and installation of the submarine cable system in the southern part of Timor-Leste, the protection walls of the streams, or the protection of the electricity towers, whose packages are already complete and ready to enter the implementation phase.

With the implementation of these projects, we can benefit national development, thus contributing to the growth of the domestic economy, including the creation of jobs for the Timorese.

After the enactment of the 2021 Revised Budget Law, by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Dr Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, and the consequent publication in the Official Gazette last week, the technical team from the Ministry of Finance started the adjustment of the Revised Budget in the Dalan ba Futuro Timor-Leste (DBTL) system in DGT.  This adjustment was completed last Thursday and the online system is now operational again.

In 2021, the Ministry of Finance has already made withdrawals from the Petroleum Fund with a total amount of USD$ 350,000,000.00. The first withdrawal was in February 2021, in the amount of USD$ 200,000,000.00 and the second withdrawal was on April 28th, 2021, in the amount of USD$ 150,000,000.00.

