Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Taur Matan Ruak, assumed the ministerial portfolio from the Acting Minister of the Interior, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus

Wed. 01 of July of 2020, 11:26h

The Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Taur Matan Ruak, officially assumed, this Tuesday, June 30th, 2020, the Minister of the Interior portfolio, from his outgoing counterpart, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, in a handover ceremony held at the Ministry of the Interior, in Vila Verde, Dili.

In his speech, after the handover of the ministerial portfolio, the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, said that it is a privilege to lead the Ministry of the Interior, one of the key ministries of the country, besides the Ministry of Defence, since these two ministries are responsible for the two institutions that oversee the security and defence of the country, in order to guarantee stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“I am very happy to be able to work with you, replacing the Minister of Defence as the person in charge of this institution, to work together with the Vice-Minister, the Secretary of State, the Commander General of the PNTL, the Director of Immigration, the Director General and the National Directors. You know very well my military background, I am very demanding on myself, but I am also demanding on others. In military life, two things are sacred: the spirit of hierarchy and discipline. On the other hand, time management and the ethical use of State resources are very important, so I believe that we will work together, of course, but as Prime Minister I must take care of the whole country’, said the Prime Minister and Interior Minister during his speech.

Taking this opportunity, the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior thanked the Minister of Defence for his commitment, while he took up the interim position of the Ministry of the Interior portfolio during these two years, and promised to carry on with the pending tasks of the outgoing minister.

“I want, on behalf of all, and in my own name, Mr. Vice-Minister, Mr. Commander General of the PNTL, Mr. Secretary of State for Civil Protection and all of you, to thank the Minister of Defence for the services rendered previously, while he exercised the role of Interim Minister of Interior in this Ministry. As the Minister said, he did everything possible, and what he did, within his possibilities, will help his successors to continue on their own path, reinforcing the notions of discipline, hierarchy, sense of belonging, love (…). Minister, thank you very much for your services, count on me to support the Defence”, he added.

The Head of Government also mentioned that he expects to be able to count on a great contribution from different departments of the Ministry of Interior, to collaboratively, provide a better service for the well-being of the nation, and as the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, he will organize regular meetings, although the operational tasks will be under the responsibility of Mr. Vice Minister, António Armindo.

Finally, the Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior have also committed himself to find solutions to the PNTL’ challenges, so that the PNTL can make progresses. He also called on Immigration to control the movement of foreign nationals’ entry into national territory.

Participants of the ceremony include the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins, the Commander General of the PNTL, Police Commissioner, Faustino da Costa, and the holders of management and leadership positions in the Ministry of the Interior and the Secretariat of State for Civil Protection.
