MD informs the President of the Republic Lú Olo on the development of F-FDTL and PNTL

Tue. 12 of March of 2019, 08:29h

Dili, March 12, 2019: The Minister of Defense and interim Minister of the Interior, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, met on Tuesday with the President of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, to provide information on the development of FALINTIL - Timor-Leste Defense Force (F-FDTL) and the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL).

"Today I came to talk about the reform of F-FDTL and PNTL. We see that the strategic concept of 2016 says that the Police is now community based, not a robust Police. That's what we talked about with the President of the Republic. This policy will be implemented in the future, as well as other changes, which I had already mentioned, at strategic military and police levels”, the Defense Minister told reporters at the time he presented and updated report on the work to the President of the Republic at the Presidential Palace, in Bairro Pité, in Dili.

At the same time, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus gave some information on the maritime authority, which will involve relevant ministries related to the issues of the sea and maritime safety.

According to the Minister, this maritime authority will fall under the tutelage of the structure of the Ministry of Defense.

“According to the plans, a brigadier will be deployed to take responsibility for the development of this maritime authority, and this year there will be the installation of his office in the Ministry of Defense”, said Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus.

Asked about the candidates for the post of PNTL General Commander, the Minister of Defense and Acting Interior Minister said that he had already received two applications, but he has to choose only one of them to submit to the Council of Ministers.

"I have to complete a detailed analysis, see theirs lists again at the police, and see which one actually meets the requirements to be a Commissioner. This is what I can present then above. I can only take one candidate, not two, "said Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus.

The Minister of Defense also pointed out that the candidate for General Commander must have already received have reached the rank of Chief Superintendent, complete training courses at least in the areas of defense and security and must master the concepts of defense and security.
