Local elections end with second round

Wed. 16 of November of 2016, 12:27h

At a press conference held on November 14th, a day after the second round of local elections, the National Director for the Support of Suco Administration, Amândio Paulino, released the results of the elections.

With 728,363 voters registered nationally and 2,071 candidates for Suco Chief, the elections in the 12 municipalities and in the Special Administrative Region of Oe-cusse Ambeno went smoothly. Each of the 442 Sucos and 2,225 Aldeias [villages]in the nation were covered.

After the first round, in which were elected nearly 30% of the Suco Chiefs, to the second round were presented the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the first round of the remaining Sucos.

For more detailed information see here the document presented during the press conference.
