Government promotes international conference on Earth Sciences

Fri. 21 of Outubro of 2016, 10:17h
Group photo of National & internationalsspeakers

The Institute of Petroleum and Geology (IPG) has brought together researchers, professors and international experts in Geoscience to discuss the solutions that Earth Sciences can offer for the sustainable development and management of Timor-Leste communities. The “International Conference on Earth Sciences and Sustainable Development” was held at the Dili Convention Centre between October 19th and 21st, holding several exhibitions.

On the first day, eight experts in Geoscience and technology, from countries such as the United States, Australia and Indonesia, focused on issues related to geological, mineral, geothermal, hydrothermal resources and groundwater of Timor-Leste. On the second day, geosciences and technology were analysed. Finally, on the third day, problems such as natural and environmental changes and geological risks (landslides and earthquakes) were discussed from a Geology and a Geophysics point of view.

It is noteworthy the participation of the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Alfredo Pires, who opened and closed the conference and presented, at the end, the report on geological studies and mapping of the country, carried out by the IPG. It is also noteworthy the participation of the Vice-Minister of Finance, Hélder Lopes, who showed, on the third day, the importance of the investment in geospatial technology for Timor-Leste and the participation of the President of the Special Zone of Social Market Economy (Portuguese acronym ZEESM), Mari Alkatiri, who reported on the progress of ZEESM's development.

Several specialists and managers of Government agencies and institutes have also contributed to the debate, namely the IPG, from the National Petroleum and Mineral Authority, TIMOR GAP, the National Directorate of Statistics, the Ministry of Finance, the National Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics and the National Directorate for Control and Quality of Water, the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications and the ALGIS and Agrometeorology Department, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

In addition to scholars, speakers from international companies, such as Iron Fortune, Orica and Roman Road, in the areas of construction, mining and rock and mineral extraction technology, have also attended this conference.

During the event, a blood donation campaign for the Guido Valadares National Hospital was undertaken.
