Secretary of State supports increased participation of women in development

Mon. 17 of Outubro of 2016, 12:16h

The Secretary of State for the Support and Socio-Economic Promotion of Women marked the International Day of Rural Women, which is celebrated on October 15th. The celebration in Timor-Leste took place on October 13th, 2016, in Maudemo Suco, Administrative Post of Tilomar, Municipality of Covalima, under the theme “Raising the economic level of women to strengthen gender equality in Timor-Leste’s development”.

Veneranda Lemos Martins, in her speech, stressed that her Secretariat of State works to ensure gender equality in Timor-Leste. However, the Secretariat of State cannot do much alone; it must have the cooperation of some institutions, such as national and international NGOs, and expect that other Ministries will ensure gender equality in each institution.

The Secretary of State added that women's participation is very important for our nation. Women should feel that the development of the country, of the Village and of the Administrative Post, depends on each of them. When we talk about women, we cannot forget that men stand behind and beside them, building a shared future.

Internationally, gender equality is discussed because men alone cannot do anything, just like women who also cannot do anything alone. “Within an institution, when there are no women, there is no change,” argued Veneranda Lemos Martins: “When it comes to gender equality, we don’t talk solely about women or men, but we talk about both: women and the men.” DSC_0168

The Administrator of the Administrative Post of Tilomar, José Fátima Xavier, representing the Administrator of the Municipality of Covalima, thanked for holding the celebration of the International Day of Rural Women in Tilomar: “I believe that this day is very important, not only for women but also for men. The Municipality of Covalima has always sought to coordinate women and men, while working with agencies and government institutions. As we respect gender, I ask the maximum participation of women in all programmes that apply to our Municipality.”

The Commander of the Police Station of the Administrative Post of Tilomar, national and international NGOs and community members also attended the ceremony.
