Government promotes care for the environment with new video of the Tasi Mos movement

Mon. 10 of Outubro of 2016, 16:54h
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The Government, through the Secretary of State for Social Communication, has developed a video on the importance of preserving the environment of beaches, featuring the work being done by the Tasi Mos (Clean Beach) Movement.

This spontaneous movement of citizens concerned about the environment has been warning the public about problems created by waste left along the shore, through a civic education campaign that focuses on the collection of waste in the capital’s beaches. The initiative began in 2015, when a group of young people gathered to clean the Dolok Oan beach. It has been gaining more and more supporters, including members of the Government, such as the Minister of State, Estanislau da Silva, and the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Marcos da Cruz, who in April this year, took the initiative to carry out a general clean-up on the Bidau-Lecidere beach, in Dili, with Tasi Mos Campanha Lixo_2_PGsupport. A month later, during the meeting of CPLP’s Ministers of the Sea, the Government campaign “Beach Clean, Healthy Environment" was presented in the Coqueiros Beach, opposite the CPLP Headquarters, also supported by Tasi Mos.

The video now produced by the Secretariat of State for Social Communication shows a clean-up day, with hundreds of volunteers in Dolok Oan beach. The purpose of this film is to draw people’s attention to the importance of preserving the natural heritage of Timor-Leste, which has beaches of singular beauty and some of the richest marine biodiversity on the planet, both of them compromised by those with a lack of respect for the environment who litter the beaches without weighing up the consequences.

The video will be shown in the social network and in the National Television (TVTL).
