Timorese experts undergoing a Prison Services and Social Reintegration training

Fri. 07 of Outubro of 2016, 12:19h
Formacao Reinsercao Social

From September 26th to 30th, a group of nine experts, including Directors, Prison Guards officers and higher technicians from the National Directorate of Prison and Social Reintegration Services of Timor-Leste, carried out a training programme with its Portuguese service counterpart.

The main goal of this training programme was to provide the delegation of Timor-Leste more contact with the Portuguese practices and work experiences focused in the prison context and intervention methodologies with inmates as well as the advisory activity to the courts.

After analysing the details of penalties enforcement, they visited penitentiary establishments in Leiria, Tires and Linhó, as well as the Navarro de Paiva Educational Centre and the Prison Security Intervention Group and the Regional Delegation of Reintegration from South and Islands.

The Timorese delegation was headed by the Director of  Reintegration Services of the National Directorate of Prison Services and Social Reintegration, Domingos Ximenes.

This training practice follows up the development of the cooperation in the area of justice between Portugal and Timor-Leste, signed on February 25th, 2016.

In November are schedule several training activities for Bailiffs and elements of the services of Timor-Leste Registries and Notaries.

Under the Inspection and Audit of the Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste, there will also be a training action in the Inspection General of Justice Services.
